Privacy policy – Web data acquisition

Pursuant to European Regulation 2016/679 Rev.0 of 22/05/2018

Dear interested party, we wish to inform you that the “European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data” (hereinafter “GDPR”) provides for the protection of persons and other subjects with regard to the processing of personal data. Our organization, as “Controller” of the processing, pursuant to Article 13 of the GDPR, therefore, provides you with the following information:

– DATA CONTROLLER: the data controller is the company Rustiklegno di Zadra Massimo via Plan del Sant, 8 – 38023 Cles (TN), CF: ZDRMSM67M06C794G and P.IVA: 00671110229 contactable by phone at 0463 468470 or e-mail

– CATEGORIES OF DATA: The owner of the treatment will treat personal data and / or special, you entered in the web space, solely to respond / fulfill the request made.

– SOURCE OF PERSONAL DATA: The personal data that the Holder will be in possession of are autonomously provided by the interested party when filling in the dedicated web space.

– PURPOSE OF DATA PROCESSING AND LEGAL BASIS: the processing of your data, collected and archived has its legal basis in your consent and is carried out for the following purposes: to provide information services and/or support strictly related to the request made.

– RECIPIENTS OF DATA: the data provided will be processed exclusively by the owner of the treatment and its representatives in office punctually identified.

– TRANSFER OF DATA ABROAD: the data collected may be transferred outside the European Union only in countries where there is a provision of adequacy in accordance with the rules in force.

– PERIOD OF STORAGE: the data collected will be stored for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed (“principle of limited storage”, art 5, GDPR). The verification of the obsolescence of the data stored in relation to the purposes for which they were collected is carried out periodically.

– RIGHTS OF THE INTERESTED PARTY: the interested party always has the right to request from the Data Controller access to his/her data, the rectification or cancellation of the same, the limitation of the processing or the possibility to oppose the processing, to request the portability of the data, to revoke the consent to the processing by asserting these and other rights provided for by the GDPR by simple communication to the Data Controller. The data subject may also lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

– OBLIGATORY OR NOT PROVIDED DATA: we inform you that the provision of data is for some fields optional and for others (marked with an asterisk) required and failure to provide the required data involves the NON-sending of the request.

– AUTOMATED PROCESSES: the data collected will not be subject to automated processes such as profiling in direct form by the Data Controller. Profiling may be carried out by certain Data Processors appointed by the Data Controller, whose information is available upon request.

– OBJECTIVITY OF CONSENT: the presentation of consent to the processing of data by ticking the appropriate box is optional, but essential to proceed with the request.

– METHODS OF DATA PROCESSING: the personal data you provide will be subject to processing operations in compliance with the above-mentioned legislation and obligations of confidentiality which inspires the activity of the owner. The data will be processed both with computer tools and on paper or any other suitable type of support, in compliance with appropriate technical and organizational security measures provided by the GDPR.